In the last month, we've observed significant amounts of bacteria in 32 creeping bentgrass samples submitted to the
Turf Diagnostics Lab. We isolated the bacteria in these samples and are identifying them by DNA sequencing and other techniques.
The good news first: the majority of samples contained bacteria that are known to be non-pathogenic to turf. We suspect that these bacterial infections occurred during aerification and topdressings performed after Memorial Day when it was very hot and humid. These non-pathogenic bacteria are not killing the plant directly but may be speeding up the dieback of leaves or tillers that were injured by these stressful practices.
We did isolate the plant pathogenic bacteria
Acidovorax from 7 locations, most of which are in the Piedmont of North Carolina. The samples that contain
Acidovorax are showing the symptoms of chlorosis, etiolation, and gradual thinning that I wrote about in previous
posts. The caveat is that we're not isolating
Acidovorax from
all of the locations where these symptoms are present. As a result, we cannot be sure that this bacteria is the true cause of the symptoms.
Results from trial on L-93 in Raleigh. Rates are per 1000 sq ft. |
We have ongoing trials at 2 locations where
Acidovorax is present, and our preliminary data is presented here. First, a word on our rating scale. These ratings are on a 0 to 9 scale, where 0 equals no disease, 1 to 3 represents varying degrees of chlorosis, 4 to 6 represents chlorosis with varying degrees of thinning, and 7 to 9 represent severe thinning of the turf.
Results from trial on G-2 in Charlotte. Rates are per 1000 sq ft. |
While we haven't found a silver bullet yet, we have noticed that Signature treatments seem to be helping. In the Raleigh trial, 8 oz of Signature applied 3 times has prevented the turf from thinning, although some chlorosis and etiolation is still evident. In the Charlotte location, plots treated with 8 oz of Signature 3 times have improved slightly, while all other plots have continued to thin.
Before you complain about the price of an 8 oz Signature spray: we don't set the prices, we're just trying to find something that works. We are continuing to evaluate other products and practices that may help to control this problem and will post regular updates on this blog as we learn more.
One important take-home message: just because a diagnostic lab sees bacteria in your bentgrass doesn't mean you have a bacterial disease. Most of the samples we've received have only contained non-pathogenic bacteria. The bacteria has to be isolated and identified in order to determine if it is a plant pathogen.